The Menstrual Gap: Sanitary Pads and Challenges in Pakistan



Menstrual hygiene is a crucial component of women’s health, however, in Pakistan, it is still a taboo subject with difficulties. This article examines how menstruation hygiene is manage in Pakistan, highlighting problems and efforts to increase access to sanitary pads.

The Sanitary Pad Defect

The lack of or high price of sanitary pads is one of the main issues that women in Pakistan must deal with. During menstruation, a sizeable segment of the population, especially in rural regions, still uses unsanitary alternatives like cloth or old rags.

Sociocultural Obstacles

The difficulty with menstruation hygiene is exacerbate by Pakistan’s conservative culture. Since it is rarely openly discussed, menstruation is frequently regarded as taboo.

Initiatives by the government

The Pakistani government has started making efforts recently to enhance menstruation hygiene. By addressing the taboo around menstruation, these organizations hope to ensure that girls can continue their education throughout their period.

Work of NGOs

The sanitary pad shortage in Pakistan has also been greatly helped by non-governmental organizations (NGOs). They run initiatives to raise awareness, hand out free sanitary pads, and offer management training for menstrual hygiene. Reaching underprivileged populations requires these grassroots initiatives.

What to Do Next

A multifaceted strategy is needed to promote menstruation hygiene in Pakistan. Among them are:

Open discussion and instruction on menstrual hygiene are urgently needed because Pakistan’s traditional culture has contributed to the stigmatization of menstruation. The government and non-governmental organizations have both started working to increase access to sanitary pads in Pakistan and remove the taboo, so there is hope in sight.

While NGOs diligently labor to raise awareness and provide hygiene supplies, government programs are starting to offer free or heavily discounted pads to schoolgirls. Moving forward, it will be essential to have a comprehensive approach that takes into account education, accessibility, public awareness, and cooperation between NGOs and the government in order to close the menstruation gap and empower women and girls throughout Pakistan.

The Cornerstone of Education

A diversified strategy is required to address the problems with menstruation pad access in Pakistan. Education is one important factor. All around the country, comprehensive menstrual hygiene instruction should be incorporate into the curricula. This action is crucial for ending the stigma and cycle of ignorance surrounding menstruation. The taboos that prevent conversations and restrict access to sanitary pads can be gradually broken down when boys and girls are educated about the significance of menstruation and its natural process. People with more education are more inclined to advocate for change and question societal conventions that obstruct menstrual hygiene advancement.


The cost of sanitary pads is an important aspect of the issue as well. They end up using other, frequently unsanitary materials during their periods as a result, which poses health hazards. It will take coordinated efforts to reduce the cost of sanitary pads in order to solve this problem. Subsidies, homegrown manufacturing, or joint ventures between the government and businesses can all help achieve this by offering affordable alternatives.

Promoting Awareness

Campaigns for public education are essential for dispelling misconceptions and promoting candid conversations about menstruation. Eliminating the stigma and secrecy around menstruation is made simpler when society as a whole recognizes the significance of good menstrual hygiene. This process of raising awareness is greatly aid by grassroots initiatives by NGOs and local authorities.

NGO-Government Cooperation

In Pakistan, the movement for menstrual hygiene has been led by non-governmental organizations. They make an attempt to reach out to rural villages and provide education and sanitary products. Government and NGOs working together is crucial to accelerating these initiatives. Together, they can reach marginalized groups more successfully and put durable solutions into place.

The Cornerstone of Education

A diversified strategy is require to address the problems with menstruation pad access in Pakistan. Education is one important factor. All around the country, comprehensive menstrual hygiene instruction should be incorporate into the curricula.


Providing sanitary pads is a basic need, but addressing the sanitary pad shortage in Pakistan also involves encouraging women and girls to live healthier and more respectable lives. By speaking out and banding together, Pakistan can significantly advance sanitary practices and guarantee that every woman has access to safe, affordable best sanitary pads.

4 thoughts on “The Menstrual Gap: Sanitary Pads and Challenges in Pakistan

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